Who’s Checking for You?

Who’s Checking for You?

In today’s digital age, creating a public profile and sharing personal information online has become commonplace. Social media platforms offer a stage for individuals to showcase their lives, thoughts, and talents to the world. However, along with the benefits...
When is the Last Time You Read Someone?

When is the Last Time You Read Someone?

Every interaction is like an interview in which it is your job to read people’s reactions to your success and growth.  We are evolving individuals, and everyone cannot continue on our journey or is qualified to join, reading their reactions to your...
Are You Spiritually Boujie?

Are You Spiritually Boujie?

In a world often preoccupied with appearances and trends, there is a transformative way of thinking that goes beyond the superficial – the Spiritually Boujie™ mindset. It revolves around being discerning, selective, and mindful of the energy you exude and welcome into...
Shaking off the Coulda Wouldas

Shaking off the Coulda Wouldas

Let’s be honest, we all know those people. The ones with the grand plans and endless ambitions, but never seem to actually DO anything. They’re stuck in a loop of “but ifs” and “should haves,” blaming everyone and everything for...
The Strong Black Woman Syndrome is Damaging Our Hair

The Strong Black Woman Syndrome is Damaging Our Hair

Black hair has been a powerful symbol of identity, spirituality, and individual expression throughout history. From the intricately braided hairstyles symbolizing marital status in ancient African societies to the elaborate beaded crowns adorned by kings, Black hair...
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